Jacob Zuma

Africa, Latest, News, World News

Ex SA President J-Zuma To Release An Album This Year

After a brief spin as President of South Africa, the multi-talented Jacob Zuma is plunging into a new and exciting career path – he’ll be a recording artist of liberation songs from the anti-apartheid struggle.   A full-length album will be recorded in April during the Articulate Africa project, a program of national and international […]

Africa, Latest, News

South Africa To Take Lesson Notes From Zimbabwe On Land Reform?

On March 20, 2017  President Jacob Zuma finally addressed the long-unresolved matter of land reform, a demand of thousands of black landless people whose properties were confiscated in the Apartheid era.   In his State of the Nation address, President Zuma pledged to break up white ownership of business and land to reduce inequality. He

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