
Africa, Latest, News, World News

Ex SA President J-Zuma To Release An Album This Year

After a brief spin as President of South Africa, the multi-talented Jacob Zuma is plunging into a new and exciting career path – he’ll be a recording artist of liberation songs from the anti-apartheid struggle.   A full-length album will be recorded in April during the Articulate Africa project, a program of national and international […]

Africa, Latest, News

PLO Lumumba’s Expulsion From Zambia Attracts Outcry

China’s influence in Africa has some leaders trying hard to please their new, rich and seemingly generous foreign partners.  This week, Zambian authorities roiled the nation’s waters by deporting an influential pan-Africanist professor before he could disembark at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport and before he could address a class of graduating university seniors on the

Africa, Latest, News, World News

Twice As Many African Leaders Attended China’s Africa Summit Than The UN General Assembly

As the current chairperson of the African Union, Rwandan president Paul Kagame was among the first five leaders to address the just-concluded 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Kagame extolled the “deepening” partnership between Africa and the global body, noting, “the dividend of a more focused and functional Africa benefits everyone.” But even as

Africa, Latest

55 Years Of Talk; Will The African Unity Dream Ever Materialize?

The dream of a united Africa started way before the formulation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 1963 following an intervention by the Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I in Addis Ababa. In the early 1960s, when independence was sweeping throughout the colonized continent, liberation fighters and independence heroes were loosely speaking about a

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